[回答続き(抜粋)]Typically, if I'm in a group of people chatting and politics/religion comes up then I will typically excuse myself and walk away. Of course the same is true if it is a one on one discussion.
<2019-07-15 09:45:06>
その上でこれも音読して欲しい。[質問]Isn't it rude to talk about politics when the people around you are talking about a topic that is not political at all?[回答]I learned many years ago to avoid discussions involving religion or politics in public, which includes business.
<2019-07-15 09:30:48>
この辺りをググって音読すると良いと思うで? What is the most polite way to say, "STFU no one cares" to someone discussing politics at work?
<2019-07-15 09:11:04>
文字を入力してください [21944] 〒 [31] [回答続き(抜粋)]Typically, if I'm in a group of people chatting and politics/religion comes up then I will typically excuse myself and walk away. Of course the same is true if it is a one on one discussion. <2019-07-15 09:45:06> cmyHAoe.S
文字を入力してください [21944] 〒 [30] [回答続き(抜粋)]Wha <2019-07-15 09:37:48> cmyHAoe.S
文字を入力してください [21944] 〒 [29] その上でこれも音読して欲しい。[質問]Isn't it rude to talk about politics when the people around you are talking about a topic that is not political at all?[回答]I learned many years ago to avoid discussions involving religion or politics in public, which includes business. <2019-07-15 09:30:48> cmyHAoe.S
文字を入力してください [21944] 〒 [28] この辺りをググって音読すると良いと思うで? What is the most polite way to say, "STFU no one cares" to someone discussing politics at work? <2019-07-15 09:11:04> cmyHAoe.S
文字を入力してください [21944] 〒 [27] 封建制度ではなくて政治厨は鼻摘まみ者なだけやで。よく海外じゃ政治についてウンタラカンタラってやってるけど日本のネトウヨvs自称リベラルのゴミやり取りにウンザリみたいな反応やで。あのアメリカですら年がら年中、政治的に偏ってるを双方が繰り広げみんなウンザリしてるで <2019-07-15 08:38:36> cmyHAoe.S